Welcome to my recipe blog. This site is under construction. It will be up and running I'm hoping sometime in the year 2012 with better pictures and full recipes for each post. In the meantime please leave any tips, advice, comments or just say hello.

Monday, May 10, 2010

About Me

Hi everyone, my blog is under construction for about the next few years. I'm trying to get all my recipes together. Some are from memory, some are those that I have written down. I'm also trying to remember taking pics each time I make my recipes so that I can have pics for all my recipes hopefully soon..

I am originally from Kerala, India. I moved to Canada when I was 2 years old. Usually people think that Canadian Malu's just have no clue how to cook. This was probably one of the reaons why I was motivated to learn to cook. I guess I was up to the challenge.

I am dedicating this blog and the recipes to my grandmother. She is my recipe guru. I have no idea how I learned to cook. Living with my grandmother andmother (being the only child) I did no housework at all until I got married and moved out on my own. I thought I would start to learn to cook - as they say the key to a man's heart is through his tummy. I started to cook with a lot of mistakes, but my persistence really helped me.

I am also dedicating this to my husband. He loves eating whatever I cook for him and this inspires me to cook more and he is sure to show his appreciation.

I decided to start this blog when I noticed that my disorganized recipe journal was running out. I thought it would be a good idea for a few reasons.

1) To share recipes with others
2) To organize my own recipes
3) To access my recipes anywhere, anytime
4) For memory purposes - I have a bad memory so sometimes I make something just once and that's it. If I had taken the time to write it down, I could make it again.

Please leave your comments, or just say hello. Let me know if you tried out any of my recipes.

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